Routing Protocol

Routing Protocol


The routing protocol in the Human Protocol plays a crucial role in making decisions related to network and operator elections. These decisions are vital for the efficient and reliable functioning of the Human Protocol network. The routing protocol considers various metrics and parameters to ensure optimal performance in both network and operator elections.

Network Election

The network election process involves selecting the most suitable network resources based on specific metrics. The routing protocol takes into account the following metrics for network election:

  • Number of Active Workers: it reflects the current workforce available for task execution.

  • Weighted Round Robin: assigns weights to each network based on factors such as historical performance, reliability, and availability. This ensures a fair distribution of tasks among the networks, considering their capabilities.

  • Average Time per Job: the average time taken by workers to complete a job provides insights into the overall efficiency of the network. This metric helps in selecting network with workers who can deliver tasks promptly.

  • Average Worker Reputation: worker reputation is determined by factors like task completion rate, accuracy, and adherence to protocol guidelines. The routing protocol considers the average reputation of workers to maintain a high-quality workforce.

  • Network Gas Price: gas price is a critical factor in blockchain-based networks. In the context of Human Protocol, network gas price influences the cost and speed of transactions. The routing protocol takes gas prices into account to optimize resource allocation.

  • Network Liquidity: network liquidity is an indicator of the availability of funds within the network. The routing protocol considers liquidity to ensure that tasks can be adequately compensated and that the overall financial health of the protocol is maintained.

  • Network Uptime: network uptime measures the reliability and availability of the network infrastructure. It ensures that networks with consistent uptime are preferred for task allocation, minimizing disruptions in task execution.

  • Network Fee: the fee charged by a network for processing transactions is also a factor in the election process. The routing protocol considers these fees when selecting the most cost-effective network resources for task execution.

Operators Election

Operators play a crucial role in the Human Protocol network, and their election involves considering specific metrics:

  • Operators Stake: the stake deposited by operators is a fundamental metric and functions as a security measure within the protocol. This stake serves as both a commitment and assurance, indicating that operators are dedicated to fulfilling their responsibilities and executing their oracle tasks with diligence. In the event that operators engage in malicious actions or fail to meet their duties adequately, their stake may be subject to slashing as a penalty.

  • Operators Reputation: similar to worker reputation, operators also have a reputation based on their historical performance, reliability, and adherence to protocol guidelines. The routing protocol considers the reputation of operators to ensure the selection of trustworthy participants.

  • Operator Uptime: operator uptime measures the reliability and availability of operator services. Operators with consistent uptime are preferred as they contribute to the overall reliability of the Human Protocol network and the execution of oracle tasks.

  • Operator Fee: the routing protocol takes into account these fees when selecting operators, aiming for a balance between cost-effectiveness and operator performance.


In conclusion, the Human Protocol routing protocol makes decisions in both network and operator elections. These decisions are crucial for the seamless execution of tasks and the overall success of the Human Protocol ecosystem.

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