Reputation Oracle

Starting the services

When running for the first time, an extra step needed in order to run migrations. Run container with special entrypoint:

docker compose -f docker-compose.local.yml \
    --env-file .env.compose.local \
    run --name=rep_o_migration \
    --entrypoint="yarn migration:run" \
    reputation-oracle \
    && docker rm rep_o_migration > /dev/null

After that you can run Reputation Oracle service in detached mode:

docker compose -f docker-compose.local.yml \
    --env-file .env.compose.local \
    up reputation-oracle -d

On chain setup

Once you have Reputation Oracle up and running - you will need to update its KVStore with proper values. You can either write your own script using our SDK, or use existing one. For the latter - jump into Reputation Oracle container:

docker exec -it reputation-oracle bash

and run next command:

SUPPORTED_JOB_TYPES=image_boxes,image_boxes_from_points,image_points,image_polygons,image_skeletons_from_boxes \
    SERVER_URL="http://reputation-oracle:$PORT" \
    FEE=1 \
    npx ts-node ./scripts/setup-kv-store.ts

SUPPORTED_JOB_TYPES in the command above are those that supported by CVAT oracles.

Last updated

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